Things to Consider During Installation of Underground Water Tank

You can install an underground water tank in your property as a discrete long-term storage solution. As the name implies, the water tank is constructed on a location below the surface and properly sealed to control water passage and storage condition. Once you decide to have an underground water tank installed, here are some of the top considerations you need to make to ensure that your best interests and water storage needs are met. 


Consider the capacity and size your underground water tank is going to be and dedicate enough space for the construction and installation. Excavation is going to take place, and enough space will be required for the machinery to manoeuvre and create a temporary dump for the removed soil for later disposal. After the installation is complete, a pump is installed, and plumbing completed to get the tank ready for use. 

Tank type

You have to make a choice between plastic and concrete underground water tanks. Plastic tanks are manufactured in factories and shipped either ready to deploy or in separate easy to assemble modules for convenient transportation. Small plastic tanks may not have enough space for a physical inspection in case of troubleshooting, which makes concrete underground water tanks slightly more attractive in this regard. They offer the ability to have a manway created for up-close problem inspection when the need arises. 


Consider getting all the necessary construction permits and licenses from the issuing body governing construction licenses in your area before starting your project. Not only is this prudent in staying within the provisions of the law but also as this involves digging and excavation. You may also uncover more information regarding your property, such as other underground works and plans previously conducted in your area that may be of interest. 


The cost of having an underground water tank constructed for you is dependent on two factors: the tank size and material. As discussed above, plastic tanks are much cheaper and easier to install but are relatively hard to inspect when problems come up when compared to concrete underground tanks. Decide which option is best for you based on your current financial status.

As a precaution, you should be cautious about the weight exerted on the area directly above the tank. Underground water tanks provide for a good storage solution that you can easily have set up and forgotten that it exists due to the durability and structural strength it offers. To sweeten the deal, you do not have to dedicate a set space for the tank on your property; being underground, it proves to be totally out of your way.

About Me

Building a new skate ramp

My son and his friends are huge fans of skateboarding. We live in the country, so there aren't many places that they can go for skating, but we do have a lot of space on our property, so I've decided to have a skate bowl on our property. The local parents are all helping out, including the concrete contractor. The kids are even getting involved in the design of the ramps and slopes, which is teaching them some maths and concreting skills at the same time. This blog is all about getting a concrete skatepark and ramps designed and built.


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